Not-for-Profit on Purpose

How to facilitate Board meetings

September 25, 2023 Justin Hogg Season 2 Episode 32

As a Board Chair, are there skills you bring to the role other than being able to run a Board meeting? Would not having to run the Board meeting allow you to add more value in the role of Chair?

With NFPs being all about innovation, it’s only natural that they would be drawn to solutions that allow the Chair and leadership team more time to what they do best in the role, utilizing their own unique skill set for the organisation.  

Running a good meeting requires specific skills.  In this video I discuss some innovative options to support the Chair and Board without modifying their Board responsibilities. The NFP sector stands to gain a lot from outsourcing Board Facilitation as it ends in great results for all concerned.

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If you have any questions, are in the process of starting up an NFP, or interested in becoming an NFP CoSec, feel free to contact me on LinkedIn.

If it is of interest, join us for the NFP Governance Rendezvous, a free online event for NFP CEOs, Directors and CoSecs, or anyone aspiring to these positions; or just wanting to learn more about governance in the NFP space. Click here to learn more about upcoming Rendezvous.

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