Not-for-Profit on Purpose

NFP Structures: The Dynamics of the Chair, CEO and Secretary

Justin Hogg Season 2 Episode 25

You can create a powerful decision making structure with a dynamic of three. This week we continue on the topic of NFPs and structure, and focus on the dynamics of the Chair, CEO and Secretary.  Regardless of whether you outsource a secretary or hire internally, there are some important factors to consider when it comes to setting up an optimal NFP structure with a dynamic team of three.  I discuss the roles of CEO vs Secretary, who reports to the CEO/Chair, and more.

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If you have any questions, are in the process of starting up an NFP, or interested in becoming an NFP CoSec, feel free to contact me on LinkedIn.

If it is of interest, join us for the NFP Governance Rendezvous, a free online event for NFP CEOs, Directors and CoSecs, or anyone aspiring to these positions; or just wanting to learn more about governance in the NFP space. Click here to learn more about upcoming Rendezvous.

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